Flutter vs React Native : Who will win in 2022 ?
It is very easy to embrace the latest trends and especially new frameworks in today’s tech world. New frameworks are emerging in the market and precoded modules and guaranteed super-fast speed. Today mobile apps are ruling the market and are more prevalent than before. How this tremendous development is made possible? Smartphones play a very important role and it is becoming faster and more popular. The mobile networks allow us to stay connected to the web.
The two traditional mobile operating systems are Android and iOS. While developing an app for business it is always a big challenge to get the best platform and best customer engagement. Well both Flutter and React Native is considered as the fast growing cross-platform development language to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android.
These two frameworks come with great features, powerful user communities and many pre-programmed modules which help increase development speed.
To choose one and to make the right decision between Flutter and React Native for your upcoming project you need to understand the difference completely. The app you want to build can be of any niche say transportation, medical, music app ,on-demand delivery etc you need to know your requirements first. Your project requires careful selection of framework. It can be quite challenging to choose between React Native or Flutter. The most popular among all is React Native developed by Facebook but now there is one more competition in the market and that is Flutter developed by Google. Well to be frank, Flutter is not yet that mature but its first test showcase is the same. So to make the choice easy for you we will make a comparison of two frameworks here to make it clear which framework will serve you the best for your future development project. It is very necessary to weigh all the points, pros and cons and choose an implementation path to meet ends.
Overview – Flutter vs React Native
Flutter mobile application development framework
Flutter is a cross-platform user interface system designed by Google and released in 2018. It is designed by goggle community to accelerate growth and development of engaging native apps. Flutter is open source and free to use. It uses Dart, an object oriented programming language. This framework is considered as a complete development ecosystem.
Flutter use case
- MVP Mobile apps
- Adaptable user interface with high level widgets
- Reactive apps with extensive data integration
- Apps that work with operating system-level functionality and hardware design
Apps created using Flutter
- Google ads
- Ali baba
- Tencent
- eBay
- 68.8% of developing countries love Flutter
- Because of library popularity and tools around 7.2% of the community chooses Flutter
- The Play Store now have 150, 000 Flutter apps
React Native mobile app development framework
React Native is an open source Javascript framework created by Facebook for cross-platform mobile development that is for both operating systems – Android and iOS. React Native allo it users to couple it with different features for each platform and seamlessly merge desired features. React Native enables developers to write applications in Java, JavaScript, Swift and Objective-C.
Use cases of React Native
- Effortless cross-platform applications
- Application with a snip user interface
- Rapid prototype application development
- Reusable elements in application development
- Apps work with synchronous APIs
Apps built using React Native
- Walmart
- Bloomberg
- SoundCloud
Striking statistics of React Native
- To develop cross -platform applications around 40% of edevloers used React Native in 2020
- Around 58% of developing communities prefer to use React Native
- What chooses React Native for its essential libraries and tools that is around 11.5% of developers choose React Native
Detailed comparison- Flutter vs React Native
When thinking about investing in mobile development it is very important to consider the options and choose the best which matches your needs. The influencing factors present a clear picture and make more informed decisions.
- Performance
Flutter and react native are both open source projects and these two frameworks are hot in the market. It increases your production efficiency and restarts your apps for updates. Flutter doesn’t need a bridge to interact between native modules due to availability of native elements but React Native needs a bridge and thus its performance is poor as compared to Flutter.
- Mobile performance
React Native source code execution must bridge the gap between Javascript and device native ecosystem. This enables communication and data transfer. Without any additional layer Flutter complies to the native x86 and ARM libraries without additional layers. This allows us to use fewer resources and give time to execute code. Animation runs smoothly as Flutter have C++ graphic rendering engine.
- Web performance
When it comes to website development, React Native is considered the boss. Javascript is a primary front-end language along with HTML and C++ as it produces excellent performance for the web. For site performance, React Native is the most important for your business as React Native is designed explicitly for the web.
- Design and graphics
React Native inherits native visual components and appearance which provides a personalized and seamless experience and also when updating operating system the application elements are also updated individually to maintain similarity and usability with other native applications.
To save the project scope Flutter simplifies the implementation of a conventional neutral style of all devices. In Flutter apps look the same regardless of device model and operating system version. Navigation and other elements remain unchanged unless they are intentionally upgraded.
- Demand and cost
React Native framework is based on JavaScript and it makes it easier for developers to find solutions. On the contrary Flutter developers charge relatively more and are pretty difficult. It is more rampant among the current generation of developers and more sophisticated ones.
- Reliability
These two frameworks are made by tech giants with unauthorized licenses. This resulted in making Flutter relatively easy and resistant to changes occurring in operating system updates. On the contrary React Native relies heavily on native components for additional adoption efforts in system updates.
- Compatibility
Flutter supports numerous recommendations on operating systems (iOS and Android). For excellent functionality many times you need native development for React Native and Flutter. Though writing par
t solves some difficulties but at the end it leads to reduced maintenance.
- Cartography and geolocation
In Flutter the Google team offers a variety of plugins. These plugins give a positive experience of tracking features in the app. React Native works well with one-off tracking, with constant monitoring some issues can still arise and this can be solved by writing parts in the device’s native programming language.
- Community support
In open source development a large community of contributors are essential for success. Points which React Native give to these installations are exceptional. The framework quickly gains popularity among Facebook developers. There is a huge community and you can get information easily on social media. Flutter is smaller than React Native but it is growing faster and increasing in popularity. To get the best out of Flutter vs React Native community use Google Flutter apps.
- Security features
To meet regulatory criteria these two frameworks offer a high level of security for mobile applications. It is recommended to use fewer third party libraries. It is advised and better to store less data on the client side. Additional verification is required when users exit the programs and lock screen because authentication tokens can expire.
Conclusion- Flutter vs React Native : what to choose in 2022?
After analysing various parameters we can say that there is no clear winner. As every project is different and choosing a proper framework depends entirely on project parameters and requirements. Flutter and React Native frameworks are excellent frameworks that can help develop cross-platform applications and it is easier than any other majority of native tools available today.
Both frameworks have their own set of advantages and disadvantages and no one precise choice works for everyone. Choice of framework completely depends on specific requirements of organization. For larger applications with native requirements, Flutter is the most suitable. On the contrary React Native adapts well to applications and can develop plug-and-play modules. If you already have a team of skilled JS developers then React Native is a more sensible choice. Choose flutter as an option for high personalized design or if you are familiar with Dart. If you are looking for a mobile applivation development company to hire react native developers of flutter developers contact us.